
Mood Indigo Textiles From Around The World

This is an unusual exhibit created around the color blue, showing how indigo brings different moods to the textile throughout the history and throughout the world.

The exhibits encompasses a lot of beautiful pieces like Indonesian ikats, African batiks, Japanese kimonos, Belgium tapestries, and, Egyptian rugs. Each piece is outstanding by its aesthetic and by the technic used.

Don’t miss the contemporary installation made of colored panels dyed in different shades of blue. In the same room you can see dried leaves of indigo plant hanging on the walls along with an explanation of how indigo pigment is obtained from a very special green plant.

I enjoyed a lot my quiet time around these beautiful pieces.

Hungry after your visit, grab a coffee or a lunch here.

Seattle Asian Art Museum Volunteer Park 1400 east Prospect Street

From April 9 through October 9th 2016


Guest Chef Night at FareStart with Manolin’s chef

We went back to Guest Chef Night at FareStart!

FareStart, a job training and placement program for homeless and disadvantaged individuals, is a prominent organization in the city and Guest Chef Night at FareStart is a great experience. Every Thursday chef comes and prepares a 3 course-meal with the help of the FareStart students.  It is served in a very nice atmosphere and it is only $30 per person. During the evening, students graduating that week are introduced and are given an ovation.

That Thursday the guest chef was Alex Barkley from Manolin, a restaurant we love.

Because I like the mission and values that FareStart advocates I decided to bring along my teenage daughter there and my friends did the same with theirs.

I am not a vegetarian but that time I opted for the vegetarian option (there is always one and you can look at the menu online before you make a reservation). I chose it because I am not a big fan of the Beef Tartare (raw ground beef) and the Pork Belly that were offered on the regular menu. But the others really liked both dishes even the two teenage girls.

First Course:
Steak tartare, tomato, szechuan peppercorn, sourdough cracker
Veg. Sliced tomato, Szechuan peppercorn, red butter lettuce, sourdough cracker

Pork Belly, smoked watermelon, Fugawa onion, kohlrabi,
Veg. Summer zuchini, hazelnuts, basil, pecorino

Roasted nectarine with mascarpone and sweet potato

It was flavorful!


Check out the next chefs and make a reservation: Guest chef night at FareStart 


Amandine’s Macarons

Don’t expect the classic typical flavors we usually think of when we think of macarons. At Amandine Bakeshop, they don’t bake plain chocolate, vanilla or strawberry but instead opt for really original unique flavor combination. Imagine: Strawberry Lavender Verbana, Matcha with Shaved Dark Chocolate, Orange blossom Thyme, Roasted Mixed Nuts and Praline Macaron, …


The consistency of Amandine’s macaron is really the way I like it. I don’t know if it is supposed to be like this but I like a macaron not when it is chewy all over but when it is soft inside and crispy outside with the right amount of creamy filling.


So today I went back to the little bakeshop on Capitol Hill (on the 11th avenue between Pike and Union). I was there with a friend and we enjoyed the outdoor seating (4 chairs to be accurate) on this sunny first day of fall.

It was lunch time but whatever… Here is what my lunch looked like today: a very balanced and healthy combination of… a latte and two huge macarons!


I have to go back to taste the other pastries.  The croissants and madeleines looked delicious though.

The Brownie Macaron is really different. It has a strong and delicious chocolate flavor but I don’t really like the chewy texture but… my daughter loves it!

I brought back a box for my gourmands at home.


Amandine 1424 11th Avenue